Thursday, October 31, 2019

Another 10 questions about china law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Another 10 questions about china law - Essay Example A and European Union, China had violated the national treatment in the China’s Auto parts case as it followed protectionist policy for its domestic auto-industry. United States of America and European Union have filed a case in WTO under dispute settlement mechanism alleging the unfair treatment of China towards foreign auto parts. China’s complex tariff system is the main reason for favoring domestic industry and damaging the interests of foreign auto companies. However it may not be true completely as some analysts find political reasons behind this complaint. Majority car making companies in China are having collaboration or joint venture with foreign firms and hence will get the benefit of low cost domestic spare parts that result in lower manufacturing costs. Hence they will not prefer purchasing higher cost imported spare parts from foreign companies. The term â€Å"like product† means the product that is identical to the dumped import, or in the absence of such a product, another product that has characteristics closely resembling the dumped import (Article 12 of the Anti dumping regulations of PRC, 2004) . According to Article 3 of the Anti dumping regulations, 2004 of PRC, The term â€Å"dumping† means that an import is introduced, in the ordinary course of trade, into the market of the People’s Republic of China at an export price less than its normal value. Hence its meaning is almost similar to that of WTO definition. The margin of dumping is the amount by which the export price of an import is less than its normal value (Article 6). The margin of dumping shall be established on the basis of a comparison of a weighted average normal value with a weighted average of prices of all comparable export transactions or by a comparison of the normal value and export price on a transaction-to-transaction basis. According to the Anti dumping regulations of PRC, 2004, The term â€Å"injury† means material injury or threat of material injury caused by

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Write a research paper on INC Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Write a on INC - Research Paper Example Jeff Bezos was not a born entrepreneur, he graduated from Princeton University and began to work in the field of computer science on Wall Street moving on to become the vice president at Bankers Trust (Byers). Due to his interest in the rapid use and growth of Internet technology, he devised the idea of Thanks to the idea generated by Jeff Bezos, he quickly gained the identity of being the prominent entrepreneur who devised the dot-com idea and made him a billionaire soon. It started off as the bookstore initially and has now transformed in to the largest online retailer of the world as well. It has expanded its operations in a variety of ways and offers millions of online books, movies, songs, merchandise and just about anything. It can be safely concluded that Amazon has converted into an ‘everything store’ where merchandise of every kind is traded online. Shoppers are offered convenience that have the facility of shopping for almost anything online and can easily download books, games and films to even their portable devices such as tablets or smart phones. Other products such as the self publishing and online advertising are also offered on Therefore, the customers’ Amazon Inc serves have been stated in the mission statement itself, which are consumer customers, seller customers and the developer customers. Therefore, Amazon Inc is a platform which does not only let the customers to download and buy the merchandise, but at the same time gives them a platform to sell their merchandise online as well to the interested customers. The marketing strategy that has been introduced by Amazon rests on six facets: it not only offers products and services to be purchased by the customers but at the same time, interface is user friendly which can be easily and conveniently used by the customers. The services and products offered at Amazon vary from small scale to the

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Impacts Of Tourism Industry In Asia Pacific

Impacts Of Tourism Industry In Asia Pacific Tourism industry nowadays is one of the worlds largest and dynamically developing sectors of external economic activities. For most of the country, tourism industry is the major economic and social phenomenond social phenomen the ground of and it has been predicted that it could be the largest income-generating source for a country in the coming year because tourism industry is the three main international industries along with the petrol and motorized vehicles. Southeast Asia is full and rich with the cultural and heritage sites which are worth for preserving and conserving. For the people in the country, these places help them to understand about their past, enrich their present lives and lay the foundation for their future generations. They inhabitants continue to practice and learn from their traditional beliefs, social practices and ritual and to use traditional management regimes to sustain the monuments and surrounding landscape that have nurtured them for several generations. Tourism is one of the worlds most profitable and fastest growing industries, if proper manage by the government of a country, which can be the effective tool for the conservation of culture and heritage sites and nature environment. It offers many economic benefits to the public and communities living in or near the cultural and heritage sites in terms of working opportunities, vitalization of the traditional crafts and cultural practices and opportunities for the inhabitants to express pride in their culture. Problem statement However, the uncontrolled tourism can also cause irreversible damage to physical and intangible heritage resources. These cultural and heritage sites in Southeast Asia region are under threat from different aspects and issues, such as the passage of the time, the forces of nature and disaster, modernization, uncontrolled development and population growth because these cultural and heritages sites is the powerful and strong magnet for the tourists who is interested on the rich cultural experience. Due to the high growth and development rates of tourism industry, volume of the foreign currency inflows which is considerable, infrastructure development, and introduction of new management and education experience dynamically might affect several different sectors of the economy, which might cause some impacts to the social and economic development of the country as a whole. This research intends to investigate and search on what are the impacts that the countries in Southeast Asia are act ually facing, and examine the impact and how does the impact affect the countries in Southeast Asia. Also search on whether the government come out with any way or method to overcome such impart in the country. Research objectives Due to the preserving and conserving of the cultural and heritage sites, every country will come out different ways of management. Tourism industry will affect various aspects and issues within a country which bring a lot of impacts. Then publication is now focusing on the impact of tourism in every Asia pacific country. The uncontrolled tourism will cause different damages and impacts to both the economy and social sectors. To study on the impacts of tourism industry in Asia pacific region, may help to improve the advantages and prevent the disadvantages within the country. Research question -What are the impacts that the countries in Southeast Asia are actually facing? -What is the most common impact that the countries in Southeast Asia is facing? -What is the cause of the impact? -How does the impact affect the countries in Southeast Asia? -Is there any way or method to overcome the impact? Hypothesis statement Impacts can be divided into positive and negative impact. According to the impact of tourism in each country, it possibly will greatly affect the country. Normally the economic impact of tourism in each country is positive impact. As for social and environmental impact, these possibly will cause many social issues and problems if the government of the country did not handle it properly and apply or set any law enforcement. The morality in the country might get worsen and tourism industry will fall greatly due to the social issues and problems. Tourists would not like to travel to such a place which has many issues and problems. Environmental impact of tourism is more likely that the cultural and heritages site will be destroy by the exceed amount of tourists and also those who do not have the perception of recycle. The discharge of sewage will increase and it will destroy the beautiful natural environment in a country. Once the government able to sustain the environmental and stabili ze the social problems and issues, then it will improve the tourism industry and attract more tourists. Theoretical and conceptual framework The purpose of this research paper is to research on the positive and negative impacts of tourism in Southeast Asia. The report would like to inform about the impacts that tourists might have to aware of when they travel to Southeast Asia countries. This research proposal is mostly use the information that can be obtained from some journals and websites. From those journals and websites, researcher is able to obtain the information on impacts of tourism in Southeast Asia countries such as Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Burma, Indonesia, and Philippines. It is important for researcher to use the true information and facts in order to convince the tourists about the positive and negative impacts of tourism in Southeast Asia. By informing the tourists about the impacts, then the tourists can have more awareness in their tour and travel in Southeast Asia. With the true information and facts can also know that how the impacts will affect the economic, social, environmental and etc. sector. It is also to research on what actions have been taken or rules and regulation or law enforcement by the government of the countries in Southeast Asia. View on tourism in Southeast Asia Impacts of tourism in Southeast Asia Impacts of tourism in Malaysia Impacts of tourism in Burma Impacts of tourism in Thailand Impacts of tourism in Singapore Significance of study The purpose of this proposal is to find out the impacts of the tourism in Southeast Asia countries. Most of the social impacts of tourism in Southeast Asia are facing the sex tourism which is actually quite serious. Sex tourism is one of the problems that spread disease and from the research, there are some say that tourists from other countries do brought in the disease sometimes. There are also positive impacts of tourism and most of the country gets benefits from the tourism industry. Economic do improve and generate many jobs opportunities from the tourism industry. But it also bring harm to the environmental impact because the rapid growth of tourism industry, the government of the country will build more infrastructure in order to increase the carrying capacity of the tourists every year. Scope and limitation This research paper is only emphasizing on the impacts of tourism in Southeast Asia. To understand the view from the people so I actually trying to get some books or journal which specify on certain topic. The collection of the date is restricted because there are many books and journals cannot be read due to the copyright issues. Therefore, researcher gets as many as data and read. After read then try to elaborate and briefly explain on what written on the data. Basically the research is done purely based on the researcher own opinion and thoughts from the information and data obtained. All the data and information are limited and can be found and obtained from the websites and journals which are free. Chapter 2: Literature review 2.1 Introductions on impacts of the tourism Tourism is greatly affected and impact on the local communities in every country in the world. It can be both a source of income for a country, understanding towards a country and also a destroyer and corrupter of the cultures, social and environment in a country. The impacts of tourism are a popular and common topic in every country since tourism industry is now one of the largest industries in the world. Usually the most common impacts of the tourism industry we can found are the economic, environment, social and health aspects. By using the literature about the tourism as a baseline, should be able to found some impacts in each of the country and try to identify ways in whether these impacts can be affect positively or negatively. Tourism is able to bring benefits to a society or country in variety and different ways, yet there are also some inevitable negative impacts of tourism. Tourists and visitors are actually stood quite an important role towards the impact of tourism in a c ountry. Tourists and visitors should be able to be attentive to the positive impact and aware for the negative side of the impacts. 2.2 Impacts of tourism in Malaysia Tourism industry has greatly impact on Malaysia because tourism industry is the second largest industry in Malaysia. The social impact of tourism which Malaysia is facing is the growing industry of human trafficking. Sex tourism is a very common negative impact which can be found in all over the Southeast Asia country. In the sex tourism industry, majority of it are children which below the age of 18. Exploitation is normally driven by the wealth, poverty, unfair development, races and gender discrimination, corruption of traditional and cultural practices, lack of political will to end it. Based on one of the journal, most of the Malaysian children and women are sent to Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan, Canada, USA, Europe and Australia for prostitution. Otherwise, women and children from China, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, Vietnam, Cambodia, and etc. are sent to Malaysia for commercial sex exploitation and the low income labour. Female from the village and rural areas in Ma laysia are also trafficked for the same purpose. There is a huge demand from the tourists who are intentionally travel for the sex tourism. Moreover in Malaysia, the illegal organized crime groups are believed to be involved in sending the Malaysian female and children to other countries and also receiving the illegal entry into Malaysia. When the sex tourism has been started in a country, the amount of tourists who travel for sex tourism will only increase and that will worsen the situation in the country. The government of the Malaysia should come out with some stricter rules and regulations in order to implement and enforce the rules and regulations to tackle the sex exploitation by prevent and tracking the victims from migrant workers and people arrested for prostitution. Government should also increase their efforts to prosecute and punish those who receive benefits and advantages from involving in the sex exploitation. Another than that, tourism industry has bring rapid damage to the ecosystem of the cultural and heritage, natural and popular sites. In Malaysia there are many beaches and Tropicana forests which are naturally and have many tourists every year. Many private or government company wish to get profit and they keep on develop on these natural environment. However, the uncontrolled development like building the mega infrastructure and resorts along the beaches has caused the major destruction to the natural environment. The discharge of sewage and rubbish from the development destruction of the ecological environment can also be the result of the development such as habours, resorts or airports that built along or nearby the beaches. Many organizations have pay attention on this aspect and issue and suggest that preserve and conserve the sustainable ecological environment than uncontrolled development and causing harm and destroy the ecosystem. Malaysia is a country that has different cultures since long time ago and the cultural mixing is very common in Malaysia. The mixing of cultural does help in improving the tourism industry. The development of the tourism has actually help in enhance the tourists perception to Malaysia. Tourists who travel for the experience of cultural mixing would like to travel to Malaysia for the different and various cultures. Yet with the different and various cultures, Malaysian is able to live in a harmony and peacefully which is actually can be the example or prototype to some other countries. Government of Malaysia will conserve and protect the cultural and heritage sites. This may help to local people and also the future generations to learn from their traditional beliefs and also social practices. Tourism industry also brings impact towards to economic sector. Nowadays the tourism industry is one of the largest industries in Malaysia. In year 2007, Malaysia started to promote their tourism industry with the slogan Malaysia, truly Asia. Based on the reports, the total amount of tourists receive is increasing year by year. Government decided to develop in the tourism industry and they promote the country with the slogan Malaysia, truly Asia because of the cultural mixing in Malaysia. The receipts from tourism are shown rapidly growth and the spending power is also increase. To many tourists, Malaysia is a shopping paradise which the exchange rate is considerate compare to Europe countries. There are a lot of shopping mall had been built in order to improve the economy of the Malaysia. Many resorts and hotels companies decided to invest in Malaysia due to the high growth rate of tourists. It can offer many working opportunities for the Malaysian and able to reduce the unemploymen t rate. All of these have the substantial impact effect on economy of the country. It is able to increase the GDP of the country, reduce the unemployment rate and generate employment, improving the foreign exchange rate and also the economy of country. All the industries which related to tourism industry could be also improve and lead to expansion. 2.3 Impacts of tourism in Singapore Singapore is a country which located at the south of West Malaysia. Singapore is one of the best cities in the world. Its economy is often ranked within the world top ten most competitive and innovative city. Singapore is a small but highly developed country and it consists of 75% Chinese, 14% Malay, 9% Indian, and 2% others. It is the same like Malaysia which is also the cultural mixing country. Singapore is a popular travel destination, and the tourism industry is one of its largest industries. Somehow, Singapore is also well known for the sex tourism in the country. Many tourists travel to Singapore will travel to the district which is actually well known for sex trade. In the district can actually see that there are female from other different countries who are working on the commercial sex exploitation. Based on the research, there are increasing numbers of young girls in Singapore are offering sex for sale. This is the negative social impact of the tourism because there are many tourists actually travel to Singapore and looking for the sex tourism. The sex tourism in Singapore is actually quite famous but however, the government of Singapore did not take much action. The government of Singapore came out with some law enforcement effort in control the amount of trafficking in persons in order to prevent trafficking, especially the commercial sex exploitation. However, the law enforcement doesnt seem efficiently and the sex tourism is still a serious issue and impact for Singapore. This may because the tourists that travel for sex tourism are quite in a big amount and it does help in improving the economy in the country. The GDP and economic in Singapore are always one of the top in the world rank. It has one of the busiest ports in the world and it is the fourth largest foreign exchange in the world. There are many international companies in Singapore which make it one of the busiest countries in the world. Based on the research, the GDP of Singapore is growing year by year. Recent year, there are some entertainments like casino resorts and universal studio grand opened up in Singapore and these sites have become another main tourism attraction. The opening of the casinos is able to attract many tourists who travel for gambling and it may strongly and dynamically improve the tourism industry in Singapore. In order to control the social impact of opening a casino, the government of Singapore comes out with certain rules and regulation to prevent the Singaporean from addicting to the gambler. For the local the entry fee SGD100 per entry will be charged whenever they want to enter the casino or purchas e the annual entry pass for SGD2,000. This is under the Casino Control Act 2006 and the government aim to reduce the negative effects of compulsive gambling. The two casino resorts intend to boost the tourism of the Singapore, they expect that it will generate 45,000 jobs and able to attract 10 million tourists by the year 2015. In economic impact, the government of Singapore handles the tourism well and it increases many jobs opportunities for the locals and also foreign workers. 2.4 Impacts of tourism in Thailand Thailand is a country which located in the heart of the Southeast Asia and it embraces a rich diversity of cultures and tradition. Thailand has the great and proud history of itself, tropical climate and renowned hospitality, the country is a never-ending source of entertainment and enjoyment for the tourists from all over the world. Like other countries in Southeast Asia, tourism is also the major source of income in Thailand. Tourism has been strongly promoted because the government of Thailand believed that tourism promotion will be able to generate the jobs opportunities, raise foreign exchange rates and contribute to economic growth and improved income distribution. In Thailand, the government is actually having the conflicts in water allocation. Thailand would face water crisis in the coming future if the government did not come out with any water management and allocation. Based on research, tourism industry in Thailand is relatively water-intensive sector. By focusing on the tourism industry, which mean the amount of tourists travel into Thailand will increase. Therefor the amount of water been used in Thailand will also increase because more tourists then the demand of water is higher. Tourism do brings a lot of destructive effects. Since the Thailand is having the uncontrolled development on tourism, the government trying to search for the less destructive way and method to reduce the level of destruction. One of the most intriguing sustainable tourism is the rural tourism. Most of the rural areas in Thailand are rich with the cultures, traditions and natural resources, which is able to become a tourism attraction destination. The economic impact of the tourism towards the Thailand is positive because tourism generates more job opportunities, raise foreign exchange rate, and economic growth. But these benefits are mainly for the urban society and city. It did not bring much benefit to rural tourism because most of the profit goes to the urban and modern cities. The profits earn from the taxes and fees return to government and government like not really invest in rural tourism. Most of the cultures, traditions and natural resources are in the rural areas. Therefore , the government of Thailand agreed that the rural areas should be preserved, and conservation of culture, arts, traditions and natural resources are promoted. With the growth in amount of tourists travel to Thailand, it may cause the heavy impact towards the environment. In order to increase the carrying capacity of tourists, the government of Thailand has created more infrastructures, transportation and other facilities which can cause environmental distortion. In Thailand there are a lot of jungles or forests which provide the activities such as jungle tracking and camping. This may affect and cause the pollution to the natural environment. There are many disposal of human waste and discharge of the sewage within the jungle areas and it will cause the environmental impact. The government of Thailand should set the strict rules and regulations in order to protect the natural environment and prevent the increase amount of disposal of human waste and discharge of sewage. Thailand has long been promoted as sex capital in the world. There are many tourists travel to Thailand for the purpose but it brought a lot of problems and impacts especially on the spread of AIDS. The tourists who had HIV might travel to Thailand for sex tourism which actually brought up the cases of AIDS. Government realized the issue and started to promote the use of condoms, in order to reduce the cases of AIDS. Yet the AIDS cases are still very common in Thailand nowadays. 2.5 Impacts of tourism in Burma Tourism in Burma can bring benefits in a various ways like it helps in opportunities for the economic stability and cultural exchange are severely limited. The tourism in Burma is actually supporting the opportunities of economic stability for the local people. This includes all infrastructures which are built for tourism industry such as patronizing hotels, restaurants and etc. Burma is a country that rich with tradition and cultures and so there will be a lot of different and various handicrafts. Tourists shall buy those handicrafts when they travel to Burma which is actually able to improve the welfare of the locals, they are all generally associated with increased opportunities for women. Burma considered as a country which isolated from other countries, so most of the time the Burmese people will never be able to leave their own country. Whenever there are any tourists from the other country travel to Burma, then only the Burmese people able to learn and experience the cultures from other countries. Tourism industry in Burma is able to bring the Burmese people the cultural exchange and they are able to learn the cultural from outside. Burma is also a country which rich with different and various tradition and tourists who travel for the culture experience, they will be able to learn and study on the traditions and cultures in Burma. It can help in create the awareness of the tourists towards the Burma and there will be increase in the amount of the tourists in the future. Somehow, there are some inevitable negative impacts caused by the tourism in Burma. Many of the tourism association in Burma are run by the government. When a tourist spend money on those government run hotels, using government public transport, employing government tour guide, the income and revenues will go directly to the government which do not benefits any of the citizen and local people. The tourism industry in Burma is actually facing a high degree level of leakage. There are some foreign companies in the economic industry of Burma, and most of the economic leakages are caused by them. They involved in import goods from other countries, international marketing cost and the interest payment which will cause the currency leakage from Burma to other countries. Chapter 3: Research Methodology 3.1 Research Philosophy In this chapter the researcher will briefly explain the ways of the research obtained for this proposal and also which method will be used in collect the data. 3.2 Research method and research design This research will be done using a significant common research approaches and the methods will be used is the qualitative method. 3.3 Sources of data The research only obtains the data with the secondary research which involve the valuable information regarding the facts and true information on impacts of tourism in Southeast Asia. Somehow there are limitations from getting the primary research, so researcher based on own experience traveled to these countries and write for the own opinion. 3.4 Secondary Research Secondary research is normally done before the conducting the primary research. The research for this paper is involved a collection data form different books and journals which can be found from the internet. This research proposal is written based on the data and information got from the books and journals and add on some own opinion.

Friday, October 25, 2019

The Coagulation of the Paper Cutlets -- Art Arts Theatre Theater Commu

The Coagulation of the Paper Cutlets The formation of a community is based on at least one commonality. Various communities intersect because, as complex individuals, humans have an exponential range of interests. However, the maintenance of the links within and between these communities is also dependent upon these commonalties. Therefore, a few people’s interest in theatre has significant effects upon their wider community. Community Theatre is a convocation and celebration of shared talents. The complexity and vibrancy of the tapestry it produces is also a reflection of the diversity of its creators. This paper explores the evolution of community theatre’s reparative role within its community. For the English playwright, John McGrath, theatre is not restricted to or by art but is capable of traversing departmental boundaries. McGrath proposes that theatre’s role in the society is one of class-conscious political activism. In his lecture â€Å"Theatre and Democracy,† McGrath explains that Western society is governed by representative democracy infested with personal and political hubris. He is adamant that â€Å"every crime a nation can commit is excused by false claims to democracy†¦Throughout the twentieth century, democracy has been universally acceptable, authenticating concept in the pursuit of public relations, and the most abused system in reality. (21)† Social critic Cornelius Castoriadis also denounces this form of democracy: â€Å"What is this theological mystery, this alchemic operation that makes of your sovereignty, one day every five years, a fluid that spreads over an entire country, enters into the ballot boxes, and comes out again that same evening on the television screen, on the faces of the ‘representatives of th... ... College. The community’s support of the Players and their plans is not limited to monetary donations and play attendance. They give of their time and professional expertise. Members of the community including children and older folk turned up on Saturday May 19, 2001 to help gut the interior of the building. Recently in the buy-a-brick fundraiser, members of the community were asked to buy one of the bricks covering the stained glass windows. The Middlebury Players are planning to do Little Shop of Horrors in the Spring. The Middlebury Community Theatre fulfills its role as a builder and sustainer of community through its many musicals and children’s shows, as well as through the renovation of its theatre building. Works Cited McGrath, John. â€Å"Theatre and Democracy.† European Studies: A Journal of European Culture, History and Politics.17 December 2001:19-35 The Coagulation of the Paper Cutlets -- Art Arts Theatre Theater Commu The Coagulation of the Paper Cutlets The formation of a community is based on at least one commonality. Various communities intersect because, as complex individuals, humans have an exponential range of interests. However, the maintenance of the links within and between these communities is also dependent upon these commonalties. Therefore, a few people’s interest in theatre has significant effects upon their wider community. Community Theatre is a convocation and celebration of shared talents. The complexity and vibrancy of the tapestry it produces is also a reflection of the diversity of its creators. This paper explores the evolution of community theatre’s reparative role within its community. For the English playwright, John McGrath, theatre is not restricted to or by art but is capable of traversing departmental boundaries. McGrath proposes that theatre’s role in the society is one of class-conscious political activism. In his lecture â€Å"Theatre and Democracy,† McGrath explains that Western society is governed by representative democracy infested with personal and political hubris. He is adamant that â€Å"every crime a nation can commit is excused by false claims to democracy†¦Throughout the twentieth century, democracy has been universally acceptable, authenticating concept in the pursuit of public relations, and the most abused system in reality. (21)† Social critic Cornelius Castoriadis also denounces this form of democracy: â€Å"What is this theological mystery, this alchemic operation that makes of your sovereignty, one day every five years, a fluid that spreads over an entire country, enters into the ballot boxes, and comes out again that same evening on the television screen, on the faces of the ‘representatives of th... ... College. The community’s support of the Players and their plans is not limited to monetary donations and play attendance. They give of their time and professional expertise. Members of the community including children and older folk turned up on Saturday May 19, 2001 to help gut the interior of the building. Recently in the buy-a-brick fundraiser, members of the community were asked to buy one of the bricks covering the stained glass windows. The Middlebury Players are planning to do Little Shop of Horrors in the Spring. The Middlebury Community Theatre fulfills its role as a builder and sustainer of community through its many musicals and children’s shows, as well as through the renovation of its theatre building. Works Cited McGrath, John. â€Å"Theatre and Democracy.† European Studies: A Journal of European Culture, History and Politics.17 December 2001:19-35

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Federal Administrative Procedures

â€Å"While Section 556 refers to the â€Å"burden of proof,† the APA fails to define the term.  Ã‚   Traditionally courts distinguish between the burden of persuasion and the burden of production, although the term, â€Å"burden of proof† is often used loosely to encompass both.Where distinguished, the â€Å"burden of persuasion† indicates which party must satisfy the decision maker in order to avoid losing on a given issue.   In contrast, the â€Å"burden of production, sometimes called the â€Å"burden of going forward with evidence,† refers to which party must initially come forward with evidence on an issue.   At times, while thesedistinct burdens are often borne by the same party, at times one party may have the responsibility to step forth with evidence concerning some issue (burden of production) while the other party maintains the responsibility to satisfy the decision-maker with respect to that issue (burden of persuasion).There are two c ases that are probative on the issue.   The first is NLRB v. Transportation Management Corp, 462 U.S. 393 (1983) which held that the â€Å"burden of proof† in 556 (d) refers only to the â€Å"burden of production†.The second case, Director, Office of Workers’ Compensation Programs v. Greenwich Collieries, 512 U.S. 267 (1994) reached an opposite conclusion and broke with long-established holdings and the first case, to define that, â€Å"burden of proof† and â€Å"burden of persuasion† are the same and opposite from the â€Å"burden of production†.In the case of EES however, since a federal agency issued the license in the hearing, the federal APA will apply procedures consistent with the procedures established by case law:   the agency has the â€Å"burden of proof† (also, the â€Å"burden of production†) and must come forward with the proof of the issue.   The EES then has the â€Å"burden of persuasion†, and must come forward with evidence that outweighs the agency’s. evidence.2.   Requesting an Administrative Judge under the Florida Administrative Procedures ActThe EES’s request for an administrative law judge would be in response to an initial ruling in the agency’s favor.   Robert C. Downie II   in his article, â€Å"Florida Administrative Procedures Act remedies survey† (Downie II, 2003), explains that a request for an administrative law judge is a challenge to any initial ruling in favor of the agency (which is analogous to our case: the EES seeks to challenge the agency’s decision.In his article Downie II also states that according to Fla. Stat. section 120.569(2)(a):â€Å"All rule challenges are filed at the Division of Administrative Hearings (DOAH) and are assigned to an administrative law judge (ALJ) for a formal evidentiary hearing. A hearing is essentially a non-jury trial. Following the hearing, the ALJ will issue the final order, which may be appealed to the appropriate district court of appeal.Generally, a rule can be challenged on three basic grounds, or any combination thereof: procedural errors, lack of authority, and substantive deficiencies. These grounds collectively are referred to as â€Å"invalid exercises of delegated legislative authority.†3.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     The Fairness of the Hearings Process:   Differences between Federal APA andFlorida APAAccording to the federal APA there is a series of steps to determine if adjudication is required.   They are as follows: § 554(a) – The Test: Formal adjudication only required when the agency’s statute requires determination on the record after a hearing. * If so, use  § 556-57.   Then, after determining that formal adjudication is required, certain procedural rules come into play, which according to  § 554 requires the use of procedures typically used at trial.Notice.  § 554(b) Opportunity to reach a settlement.  § 55 4(c)(1) Must be conducted in accordance with  § 556 and  § 557.  § 556 – Addresses the hearing procedures; authorizes use of ALJs ( § 556(b) – (c)) and places the B/P on the agency. Any decision must be based on the evidence in the record.  § 556(d) Also, agency decisions of fact in formal   APA proceedings are reviewed under the substantial evidence standard.   This means that the reviewing court will only hold an agency’s actins unlawful in six instances, when based on a review of the facts the court finds the agency’s actions have been:(1)  Ã‚   unlawfully withheld or unreasonably delayed; and (2)   conclusions found to be— (A) arbitrary, capricious, an abuse of discretion, or otherwise not in accordance with law; (B) contrary to constitutional right, power, privilege, or immunity; (C) in excess of statutory jurisdiction, authority, or limitations, or short of statutory right; (D) without observance of procedure required by law ; (E) unsupported by substantial evidence in a case subject to sections 556 and 557 of this title or otherwise reviewed on the record of an agency hearing provided by statute; or (F) unwarranted by the facts to the extent that the facts are subject to trial de novo by the reviewing court.In making the foregoing determinations, the court shall review the whole record or those parts of it cited by a party, and due account shall be taken of the rule of prejudicial error.   APA  § 706However, in contrast as we’ve seen under Florida’s APA, adjudication is required in three circumstances (procedural errors, lack of authority, and substantive deficiencies), at the request of the party who seeks to appeal the decision. 2. Fairness in the Administrative Procedures:   Florida’s APA v. The Federal APAI think the Florida’s APA is much more fair than the federal APS because it allows for review of a broader range of issues, while the federal APA has narrowed the range of issues that it will review regarding an agency’s decisions.  Ã‚   In effect, I feel that the difference allows for bias in favor of limiting the review of agency decisions.   Further, there is one other way in which the ability to review agency decisions, is biased to favor the agency according to the federal APA, which has to do with the scope of judicial review that the agency must withstand:   the scope of the judicial review of an agency’s decisions depends on the agency’s choice of procedures.References Asimow, Michael. (2003).â€Å"A Guide to Federal Agency Adjudication,† American   Bar Association .   Retrieved February 23, 2009, from Google books.Downie II, Robert C. (2007). â€Å"Florida Administrative Procedures Act remedies survey†Ã‚   Retrieved February 23, 2009, from  Ã‚

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Milky Way

Quinci Chapple Mrs. Ryan Language A – 9H January 12, 2012 Finding the Milky Way I often gaze into the night sky only to find bright lights and strange shapes I don’t understand. Starting at a young age, I enjoyed waiting for shooting stars and searching for the famous Big Dipper consolation as many nights as I could. As I grew older, I learned more and more about the universe and all that it contains. Today, I am even more intrigued by, not just the universe, but our very own Milky Way galaxy.I am amazed by its complicated systems and beautiful landscapes, but I still wanted to know how all of its magnificence was discovered. From receiving several astronomical filed guides and photographic collections from family over the years, I already knew some information about the Milky Way. I knew it received its name from the â€Å"milky† light it sheds and that it consists of millions of stars. By observing pictures, I could tell most research about the galaxy was done using telescopes with cameras.I also concluded that the Sun is at the center of the galaxy, but that was just from my comprehension of the term â€Å"solar system†. In other words, I really did not know much about how the Milky Way was discovered, especially since telescopes and high quality technology has not been around forever. The area of interaction that I believe ties to my research is Human Ingenuity. Human Ingenuity focuses on the evolution of process and human creations. How it is important to research the developments of humans throughout history and how those creations affect life and society.The processes made by astronomers to observe the Milky Way have affected human life tremendously, considering it’s where humans live. The steady research of the galaxy through time has led to even greater discoveries and information that humans never thought possible to obtain. I want to know the exact progression of methods and research in discovering the Milky Way. Fr om where the first astronomers got their ideas and plans to take on such a puzzling challenge, to how those methods have led to all the facts we know about the galaxy today.I want to learn about the instruments used to make these discoveries and the people behind them. I would like to be able to conduct a general timeline of the uncovering of the Milky Way. In addition, I find myself wondering why it is so important to study the Milky Way and other elements of outer space. To learn so much information, I need to ask myself questions based on the research topic. Because I want to know how the Milky Way was discovered, I ask the main question, what methods and tools were and are used to observe the Milky Way?The Search Originally, I began my search with the topic astronomical discoveries in mind. I navigated to my school’s library website to use the databases available there shown to me by the librarian. I typed the words astronomy discoveries in the Gale Power Search database, scrolled down reading the various article titles, then clicked on Cosmic Discoveries: The Wonder of Astronomy. As I began to read over the article, I did not understand the information. I soon realized the article was a very short book review for a book I did not have.I clicked back to my search results to find another article titled, 10 years ago in Astronomy. However, this too ended up being a book review. I left the Gale Power Search back to the library’s website to visit the database ProQuest where I searched astronomy discoveries once again. This time, I clicked an article titled Top 10 discoveries of the last 35 years, assuming it would be about discoveries in astronomy over the years. Starting to read the article, I came across a section that raved about the thousands of breakthroughs in astronomy in thirty-five years, the article only covering a ten.This section helped me realize that my topic was too broad to make of, so I decided to narrow my search topic to the di rect history of the Milky Way galaxy. Coming in with my narrowed search topic made things a lot simpler. I used the search engine Google to type in the keywords history of the Milky Way. Thousands of articles popped up, but I clicked on the page Wikipedia had made for the Milky Way. The article was helpful because it was organized into sections, one of them being history, which I immediately went to.The history section of the article gave specific dates and names that contributed to my search. The article explained the first observations of the galaxy and told of the works of the first astronomers, yet the information given was limited. Since I turned my search to the history of the Milky Way, I began to take into consideration how I might transform this topic into a personal project. That thought mixed with the small pieces of information Wikipedia gave made me doubt my space inspired topics. Space was not turning out to be as interesting as I had thought. My next search kept me se t on my topic.Using Google, I searched how was the Milky Way discovered which brought up a great article. The article was set up like a timeline that was simple and easy to understand, especially with all the dates. Once I read and took notes on this article my Area of Interaction was obvious, Human Ingenuity. Now that I had my lens to focus through, researching and planning for my paper was getting much easier. My next few searches were all through Google; one that was really helpful was the search discovering the Milky Way where I found the widespread article The Milky Way Galaxy.This article was the most helpful of all my sources because it provided many pages of clear, organized information fully concerning my topic. The article was more like a book, organized into numbered â€Å"chapters† discussing several different aspects of the Milky Way’s history and current status. The article had one specific section about the techniques used to observe the galaxy over the years. I marked countless notes in my journal that would greatly contribute to my research. The text noted radio mapping and the great history of telescopes.That article lead me to my next search, telescope used to observe the Milky Way. I clicked on the first article titled, Telescope witnesses Milky Way star birth. The article was very useful because it went a little more into depth with the processes used to observe and map the galaxy. It told me about the people to first observe the Milky Way and how far research on the galaxy has come. The article was very current which was supportive to the information. The many articles about the telescopes lead me to my last search, invention of the Herschel telescope (one of the first telescopes used).The article History of the Telescope- Telescope Tips gave a perfect, brief description of the history of the telescope. The article was a great way to wrap up my search with a little more background about the astronomers and their inventions t o uncover more about the Milky Way. What I Discovered The information that I found through my research revealed ideas that I was not aware of and clarified facts that I thought I knew. The investigation answered the research question and provided details extending my thoughts and research topic.Insight on the main ideas was provided by several sources developing thoughts on the structure and contents of the Milky Way, the techniques used to research the Milk Way, the instruments used to observe the galaxy, and the people who contributed to the galaxy’s record. Many of the sources I found described discoveries of the structure and materials within the Milky Way. I learned that in 1915, the galaxy was found to be made up of thousands of globular clusters, which are groupings of millions of stars. Also, around the same time of this discovery, the galaxy was proposed to be a disk shape with several arms extending out from the center.Some of the arms called Sagittarius, Carina, Or ion, and Perseus all extend from the center of the galaxy, the sun being in the Orion arm. All this information was later confirmed by the Spitzer Space Telescope. However, one source told that there are more stars in the galaxy than can be seen because molecular clouds of dust block the light from the stars and cut the view of the system. These dust clouds often contain RR Lyrae stars which are â€Å"used to locate the center of the galaxy because clusters can be seen at relatively great distances.The stars are used to measure distance and Luminosity Relation to the Sun, which calculates the brightness of individual stars. â€Å"I found out later that the molecular dust helps in another way of research. As I continued to research, I discovered the method of radio mapping that has been used since the early 1960s. Radio mapping was an important discovery for the mapping of the Milky Way, â€Å"Astronomers had been trying the build such maps a topical wavelengths, but with the deve lopment of workable radio telescopes in the 1950s, observations were finally able to cut through the murk and create a useful map.The Milky Way had been thought to be a spiral galaxy, and the radio map of the H-I (hydrogen cold) regions showed that it seemed to have three spiral arms†(Goebel) Radio signals are sent out from Earth into the galaxy, then machines measure the wavelengths of the radio signals â€Å"bouncing† back to Earth off the molecular clouds. This process has mapped physical features of the Milky Way through telescopes and computers. According to the article â€Å"Telescope witness’s Milky Way star birth† by Clara Moskowitz, radio mapping is not the first or only method used to find the Milky Way.A 1700s astronomer named William Herschel was the first known to observe the Milky Way. Herschel created a space telescope inspired by the scientist Isaac Newton’s telescope sometime in the early 1700s. â€Å"Herschel’s infrared vis ion lets us sense the feeble heat from some of the coldest objects in the cosmos. † (Moskowitz) Herschel’s telescope measured stars and celestial objects so those could be mapped as well, since there are so many within the galaxy. This article also described the modern tools used to observe space.The Photo detector Array Camera and Spectrometer (PACS) and the Spectral and Photometric Imaging Receiver (SPIRE) can be sent out in space or remain in an observatory to work together to take five images at once. The celestial objects to be photographed are limitless, and include the arms and clusters of the Milky Way. Herschel began his research by â€Å"cutting† the sky into equal sections, then using his telescope to best count the number of stars in each section, then drew out a map of the galaxy setting the Sun in the center.In 1920, an American astronomer, Kapteyn, created a modern version of Herschel’s famous map, but with an updated placement of the Sun wh ich was proven to be slightly off center. So, I discovered that the telescope played a major role, probably the most important role, in discovering the Milky Way, â€Å"From Issac Newton’s first working telescope to Herschel’s large scale style, and the telescope has opened the eyes of aspiring astronomers for centuries into the extraordinary world that is our Milky Way Galaxy. †(White).The results I obtained through my search process have collectively answered all aspects of my research question. The question at hand was, what methods and tools were and are used to observe the Milky Way? I learned about the telescope and how it is the main instrument that has been used for centuries in astronomy research. I was also hoping to find out about the features of the Milky Way, which learning about the telescope lead me to find. I also learned about the method of radio mapping and how helpful its results have been.The radio mapping found the RR Lyrae Stars which both have been impactful. I was introduced to some modern machines that are used today for observations. Also, going beyond the research question, I was educated about the people who made significant research concerning the galaxy. However, learning about the people connected me to the methods they used, such as Herschel’s mapping, which answered the sole inquiry of the question. Reflection During the writing of my I-Search paper I acquired many research skills while improving on my previous ones.My research skills helped me solve the problems I faced during research, but also allowed me to find reliable and organized information. I answered my research question completely and connected my research to the Area of Interaction that I chose. If I was able to go through this process again, there are some things that I would do differently. In addition, my research leading to my personal projects does not seem promising. While researching, I believe I learned how to tell is a topic is too broad or too narrow to write a paper with that makes sense while still being simple and direct.My topic started out being too broad to accurately cover over all the information regarding it, so I wanted to make it less generalized, but still in the same field as my original topic. I also learned that while taking notes it’s really important to take direct quotes from articles because they add a lot of authenticity and accuracy to the paper which makes for an all-around better paper. I believe I have always been good at taking notes which helped with my process journals. Also, connecting each process journal to the next makes it easy to write the â€Å"What I Discovered† section of the paper.Summarizing the main ideas of an article is really important, not copying every word. Some problems I had during my research were repetitive information throughout articles and finding articles that were book reviews which didn’t contribute at all. Some articles were too short or poorly written with limited information provided. Another minor problem was a lot of the articles I used did not show the author or date of publication. One the other hand, a lot of the articles I found were organized and gave interesting information that I didn’t find in any other article, which is exactly what I was looking for.Many of the articles I found provided names, dates, and photographs which help in understanding; I try my best to find sites that provide these features. It was very easy to find information that was clearly connected to my question and topic. The sites that I did find were reliable, if a site did not seem reliable, I did not use the information. My research resulted in a through and detailed answer to my research question, what methods and tools were and are used to observe the Milky Way? The methods used were explained to me and examples of instruments were given.I completely understand my topic from doing this research. Also, I used my Ar ea of Interaction, Human Ingenuity, to focus my search. The idea of using special methods to observe the world and designing tools, such as the telescope, to aid and strengthen human’s independent research. If I were to do the I-Search paper again, I would probably use an entirely new topic. Before starting the process journals I felt rushed to come up with a topic that was personal to me, able to produce a product (for the personal project), generally interesting, and had enough material behind it to write a paper on.I would choose a topic that I had the equipment and experience to create a product with. I own a telescope with connected camera, but I feel that it is not the quality to capture the galaxy, if I were to use this topic for my personal project. However, if I were to do the paper over again with the same topic, I would definitely organize my â€Å"What I Discovered† section into a clearer format that included more information that I decided to leave out thi s time for concern of length.I believe sometimes I write too much or include information that is irrelevant. Work Cited â€Å"Discovery of the Milky Way. †Ircamera. Google. January 10, 2012. http://ircamera. as. arizona. edu. /NatSci102/NatSci102/lectures/milkyway. htm. Goebel, Greg. †The Milky Way Galaxy. †In the Public Domain. June 1st, 2010. Google. January 11th, 2012. http://vectorsite. net/tastgal_07. html. Moskowitz, Clara. †Telescope witnesses Milky Way star birth. †Space on MSNBC. October 2nd,

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Species During the Formation of Earth essays

Species During the Formation of Earth essays Earth has went through lots of changes ,in species, from there just being algi and eboli to there being massive dinosaurs. The earths time is set up in to different periods they are; the Cambrian period, Ordovician period, Silurian period,Devonianperiod,Carboniferous period, Permian period, Mesozoic Era, the Triassic period, Cretaceous period, and the Jurassic period. In all of these periods there is something different about wildlife The Cambrian is the first I want to talk about . It is called that because some of the first fossils were foung in Cambria. During this time every thing lived in water. There were large animals and small ones. Some of the animals include dprotozoa,profirera ,coelenterates, worms ,anthropods ,mollusks ,and echinoderms. These crustaceans were all invertebrates. All types of animals lived in the ocean from very large ones to very tiny ones. The next is the Ordovician period. It is named that because there were called the Ordovices.during this period animals began to appearlisuch as graptolites.also,larger animals like cephalopods,starfish,and scorpions. The Silurian period was also named after a group of people, the siluries.this was a short period but Sea lilies were getting bigger. Coral was also a very important thing.protazoans began to appear more,Radiolaria,and also the first milipede.also the first fish appears this is the first sign of vertebrates. Oceans were starting to dry up islands were forming. Plants were the first living thing to come out of water. The Devonian period comes from the town Devon. Fishes were starting to show up more and some were protected by a outer shell. Also cockroaches the only living thing that has not changed. The Carboniferous period has the first animals to put their head out of water. The first to come out of water were the flowers that purified the air then came land animals. Amphibians began to show up .they had many of enemies so they were ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Santas Reply - A Funny, Comedic Male Monologue

'Santa's Reply' - A Funny, Comedic Male Monologue This stand-alone comedic male monologue features Santa trying to win back Mrs. Claus. If you want to know how this happy couple fell apart, read Mrs. Clauses piece in our list of comedic female monologues. It may be used by students, actors, directors for educational or professional purposes. But remember, it is purely a work of fiction. In reality, Mr. and Mrs. Claus are happily married! Santas Reply SANTA: Dear Mrs. Claus... Ever since you left me for the Easter Bunny, my life has become utterly meaningless. Without you, the North Pole truly is the loneliest place in the world. Without you by my side, there has been no one to keep me on my diet. Ive gorged upon cookies and milk. I even stole Rudolphs carrots. I gobbled up the gingerbread house next door. The neighbors are furious. Ive gotten so big, the reindeer have developed back problems. Thanks to me, the sled now exceeds its maximum capacity. I dont think Ill be able to clear the Rockies this Christmas Eve. And I cant stop drinking. Ive been going to Eggnog Anonymous meetings, but they just arent helping. And I hesitate to mention how devastated the elves have been. They keep asking about you. So, as you can tell, without you, my life is ho-ho-horrible. Please come back to me. I dont care if youre naughty or nice. Theres no one else I want underneath my mistletoe. Please come home.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

A pizzeria business plan

A pizzeria business plan Executive Summary This is a business plan for a Pizzeria based on producing a differentiated product in a premium location. The objective is to differentiate the operation from any other restaurant operation based on the concept of superior quality food based on the exclusive use of premium natural ingredients for every element of the product delivered from a conventional cheese and tomato pizza to the unique menu items. At the same time the operation is such that its environmental footprint is minimized and it operates in a manner that maximizes social responsibility in every facet of its operation. Pricing relative to other Pizzerias will be premium, but compared to most of the restaurants in the same quality bracket very competitive. The longer-term plan will involve additional Sofian Eat restaurants on either an owned or franchised basis or a combination of the two. This initial plan is for the pilot operation, which will serve as a model for future openings of Sofian Eat. Essen tials to success The planned operation is a restaurant. The underlying keys to successful restaurant operation are good food served in a clean and pleasant atmosphere. These are a ‘given’ in any successful restaurant, but in themselves are not sufficient to create any great success. â€Å"Positioning is an underleveraged restaurant marketing component. Positioning is the place you hold in the customers or prospects mind relative to the competition (the cheaper choice, the higher quality choice, et cetera). Effective positioning involves incorporation of your Unique Selling Proposition (U.S.P.).†[1] (Quantified Marketing Group, 2010) In Sofian Eat success will depend on creating a unique â€Å"product† based on the publics concern for the environment and the wholesomeness of food. This will be incorporated into a unique ambiance and menu that will provide a dining experience that hopefully customers will enjoy and wish to repeat. An important element in the overall concept is that because Sofian Eats is dedicated to concepts concerning the environment and natural food, which the client is aware of and approve, they will have an underlying â€Å"good feeling† about what they are doing when they enjoy a meal at Sofian Eats. In Principles of Marketing Dr. Philip Kotler uses the fast food industry as an example of marketing being used to sell. â€Å"Shoddy, harmful or unsafe products†, and bemoans the fact that this American approach to restaurant marketing is catching on in Europe.[2] The marketing approach used in this project is unashamedly copied from another American Company, Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream that takes a totally opposite approach.[3] While not as successful as McDonald’s, Ben & Jerry’s built a business from a single tiny location to a major company and the founders finally sold the company to Unilever in 2000. 1.0 Terms of Reference 1.1 To 1.2 From These three items are not ordinarily a par t of a business plan, and I am not totally clear on what is wanted here. Clearly, I cannot fill in â€Å"to and from†. I suspect that the three items involves only a few words with the possible exception of â€Å"terms of reference†. I will gladly write something for you about this as a revision if you can tell me what it is supposed to do. Thanks. Your writer

Friday, October 18, 2019

Basic Water Conservation in California and discover a way conserving Essay

Basic Water Conservation in California and discover a way conserving water can save energy - Essay Example Its primary aim is to educate the people about various ways of saving this natural resource; only with little alterations in lifestyle, this goal can easily be achieved. (CALIFORNIA'S WATER: A CRISIS WE CAN'T IGNORE, September 2007) Water supply in California has been severely reduced in recent years thus affecting the common people and business farms in Central, Northern and Southern California. In August 2007, water supplies from two large water delivery systems were cut in order to protect endangered fish species. Delta, the natural estuary, which waters about 2.5 million acres of farmland and 25 million Californians, is experiencing ecological crisis, thereby threatening the environment as well as the people of the state. Already, the growing water uncertainties and reduced water supplies are forcing the farmers to stop cultivation in some prime agricultural lands in the state; in turn, it is affecting the important industries of the state. Moreover, there is a possibility that the aging of Delta levees might also cripple the water deliveries in California for a long period. Rapid growth of California's population is a threat, as there has been no significant improvement in the delivery system as well as th e water storage system of the state. The water reserves of the state are relatively low and might not be able to meet up to the public demand, if there is disruption in the water delivery system of the state. Climatic changes in this zone are also an important factor for the growing concern of water conservation. The state has experienced severe drought conditions over the years and the year 2007 has been a record dry year in some of the regions in California. The changes in the climatic condition are also reducing mountain snow pack, which is an important source of natural water storage. Due to this condition, Californians might experience severe floods and long droughts in future. (CALIFORNIA'S WATER: A CRISIS WE CAN'T IGNORE, September 2007) Water Conservation Techniques (Tommy Foley, n.d.) Irrigated Agriculture of California Owing to the Mediterranean climate and unique geographical features, California has become a productive agricultural region in whole world. Sierra Nevada mountain range situated at the eastern border of California captures and stores the winter rainfall that can be used for irrigation during summer months. This water storage along with Mediterranean climate is favorable for the growth of a large variety of crops. Growing awareness of the environmental requirements of water along with population growth has compelled California agriculture to use water efficiently so that more amount of water is available for environmental and urban uses. Several management strategies and

The Effects of Sleep on General Fitness Research Paper

The Effects of Sleep on General Fitness - Research Paper Example Moreover, with sleep deprivation over every 24 hours, performance also declines accordingly (Bianchi 2014). Sleep deprivation, thus, directly influences key performance areas, which directly affect one`s body fitness. For this reason, it is essential to understand the sleep patterns and how they may be effected, or how thet may affect other fitness indicators. Researchers managed to conduct a study with data for over 30 years of National Football League and reflected patterns implying that the teams which travelled through three time zones during the night time experienced a disrupted sleeping patterns and disturbed exercise schedules. Thus, it was concluded that such teams were 67% more likely to lose as compared to those with a persistent sleeping patterns. Moreover, studies also demonstrated how athletes getting a good 10 hours of sleep reflect an enhanced muscle memory which directly improves the quality of moves learnt the day before (Calten & Bruce 2009). In addition, similar studies concluded that athletes who consistently get a sleep for 10 hours demonstrated improvement in context to speed, strength, and agility along with the reaction time. Furthermore, sleep deprivation leads towards chronic diseases, that is , those who don`t get enough sleep often exhibit signs of diabetes, hypertension, obesity and other medical disorders re lated to cardio-metabolism and endocrine glands in the human body (Calten & Bruce 2009). More so, further research in the area dictates that even if the body survives a few days with no sleep, it immensely impacts the body`s insulin levels to around 25 percent which leads them towards the pre-diabetic phase, also such individuals may gain around 18 to 30 lb of weight in quite a few days. Studies have also shown that soldiers with less or no sleep at all have also exhibited decreased signs of abilities in marksmanship, mental as well as physical performance

Immigration(advantages or problems) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Immigration(advantages or problems) - Essay Example Furthermore, they help address the need of the country for seasonal labor during harvest time. Illegal aliens, as they are commonly referred to, readily accept relatively lower wages as compared to the local labor force for the same type of work or amount of workload in light of their need to get jobs straight away ("Wikipedia"). In this regard, some who profit from this arrangement assert that illegal immigration is indeed beneficial since the country of origin of the illegal alien, which is usually a developing country, earns dollar through overseas workers' remittances. Similarly, the US-based employers may take advantage of relatively lower labor expense with the substantial availability of labor provided by illegal immigrants (Hanson). However, these people fail to take into account the adverse effects of illegal immigration to the economy as a whole. They have a limited perception of the problem such that they only consider the gains directly derived from illegal immigration and not the other economic and social costs. There are myriad disadvantages in connection with illegal immigration. One of them is in terms of the intensified competition in the labor market. American citizens and other legal immigrants or residents can often be heard complaining that it is harder to look for jobs these days. This can be attributed to the fact that there are a growing number of illegal immigrants in the country that directly compete with the local labor force for available jobs. With this, legal workers continue to experience job displacement due to illegal aliens. As discussed, illegal immigrants who seek employment in the country willingly settle for below average wage levels. Although employers benefit from this type of arrangement, it should be highlighted that such is generally detrimental for the entire labor force. By accepting wages that is less than the minimum wage standard, the income mainly coming from wages received plummets (Hayworth). This distorts the labor conditions in the country. Decreased wages is especially harmful for workers who are already on the verge or even below the poverty line. In addition, this changes the consumption propensity of legal workers and may diminish the quality of their and their families' lives. Another major disadvantage of illegal immigration is that it further buoys up expenditure of the federal government. Based on numerous reports, an increasing number of communities across the nation continuously contend with over budgeting in order to make hospital care and educational services to illegal immigrants and their families. Given this scenario, the government would need to find a way to address budget deficits to take into account these public services for all including illegal immigrants. To compensate for the portion of the budget used up for illegal immigrants, it may be expected that the government would impose tax increases which would be shouldered by legal workers. In the end, legal workers who fund social security services through the taxes remitted to the government each payday are burdened with the problem brought about by illegal immigration. According to studies, illegal immigration also has an effect on the health conditions in the US. Some assert that the presence of illegal immigr

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Critique of Media Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Critique of Media - Essay Example She demonstrates how consumers and corporations have more contact than ever and how this has allowed the consumer to make their angry voices heard. In spite of lavish advertising campaigns, big business is finding it more and more difficult to keep issues such as exploitation and environmental damage under wraps. The brand, which for so long has inspired trust and loyalty, is becoming undermined by the increasing ability of the consumer to rebel against its one-size-fits-all approach and exercise self-determination, argues Klein. Klein’s argument bases itself around the idea that companies now produce brands rather than products. They rely on their name, rather than the quality of their goods, to shift stock and make profits. This is not a new concept in media criticism. Companies now regularly invest in brand management as part of their overall advertising budget2. Media channels reflect this through advertising which focuses on selling the name and developing a certain image to accompany the brand. She then goes on to explain that companies exploit both producers and consumers, paying a less than fair wage for good produced in the third world which are then sold in the west for designer prices. The originality in her critique comes when she does not focus on the exploited third-world worker, but rather explores western culture and its suffocation by branding. Everything is branded, she states, and this leaves no space free from advertising and marketing. Schools, youth culture and sexual identity ar e all targets for the brands and this leads to the situation in which we now find ourselves – with no unbranded public spaces left. Klein then moves beyond this, passing from media critic, to her secondary role as activist. In order to get away from the branding machine, she suggests ‘culture jamming.’ This subversion of advertising allows the consumer to take back control and free themselves from marketing’s

Cancer patients and results of radiations Essay

Cancer patients and results of radiations - Essay Example The primary types of cancer treatments include surgery, chemotherapy and radiation. Biologic, hormone and targeted therapies also exist. Surgery involves the removal of cancerous tissue or tumor. Radiation therapy and chemotherapy on the other hand, are non-invasive. Radiation therapy is used to treat cancer cells that are localized, while chemotherapy is used to treat cancer cells that are no longer localized and have spread to other parts of the body. In radiation therapy, patients are subjected to high-energy radiation to kill cancer cells and shrink tumors (National Cancer Institute i). Common types of radiations used in this treatment include gamma rays, charged particles and X-rays. The radiation could be delivered externally or internally. Around half of all cancer patients undergo some form of radiation therapy during their treatment (National Cancer Institute i). Radiation therapy damages the DNA of cancer cells in order to kill them. While radiation therapy is used to kill cancer cells, it may also damage normal cells, resulting in serious side-effects. Chemotherapy involves the use of strong drugs administered orally or through injection. Like radiation therapy, chemotherapy also has serious side effects depending on the length of the treatment, the types of drugs taken and the amount of dosage administered. Some of the side effects include vomiting, nausea, hair loss, fatigue and increased chances of infections (American Cancer Society 11). Similarly, the side effects of radiation therapy depend on the body area being treated, dosage administered per day, total dosage given, general medical condition and other treatments that are being administered at the same time (National Cancer Institute x). It can cause both early and late side effects. Early (acute) side effects are those that occur during the treatment while late

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Immigration(advantages or problems) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Immigration(advantages or problems) - Essay Example Furthermore, they help address the need of the country for seasonal labor during harvest time. Illegal aliens, as they are commonly referred to, readily accept relatively lower wages as compared to the local labor force for the same type of work or amount of workload in light of their need to get jobs straight away ("Wikipedia"). In this regard, some who profit from this arrangement assert that illegal immigration is indeed beneficial since the country of origin of the illegal alien, which is usually a developing country, earns dollar through overseas workers' remittances. Similarly, the US-based employers may take advantage of relatively lower labor expense with the substantial availability of labor provided by illegal immigrants (Hanson). However, these people fail to take into account the adverse effects of illegal immigration to the economy as a whole. They have a limited perception of the problem such that they only consider the gains directly derived from illegal immigration and not the other economic and social costs. There are myriad disadvantages in connection with illegal immigration. One of them is in terms of the intensified competition in the labor market. American citizens and other legal immigrants or residents can often be heard complaining that it is harder to look for jobs these days. This can be attributed to the fact that there are a growing number of illegal immigrants in the country that directly compete with the local labor force for available jobs. With this, legal workers continue to experience job displacement due to illegal aliens. As discussed, illegal immigrants who seek employment in the country willingly settle for below average wage levels. Although employers benefit from this type of arrangement, it should be highlighted that such is generally detrimental for the entire labor force. By accepting wages that is less than the minimum wage standard, the income mainly coming from wages received plummets (Hayworth). This distorts the labor conditions in the country. Decreased wages is especially harmful for workers who are already on the verge or even below the poverty line. In addition, this changes the consumption propensity of legal workers and may diminish the quality of their and their families' lives. Another major disadvantage of illegal immigration is that it further buoys up expenditure of the federal government. Based on numerous reports, an increasing number of communities across the nation continuously contend with over budgeting in order to make hospital care and educational services to illegal immigrants and their families. Given this scenario, the government would need to find a way to address budget deficits to take into account these public services for all including illegal immigrants. To compensate for the portion of the budget used up for illegal immigrants, it may be expected that the government would impose tax increases which would be shouldered by legal workers. In the end, legal workers who fund social security services through the taxes remitted to the government each payday are burdened with the problem brought about by illegal immigration. According to studies, illegal immigration also has an effect on the health conditions in the US. Some assert that the presence of illegal immigr

Cancer patients and results of radiations Essay

Cancer patients and results of radiations - Essay Example The primary types of cancer treatments include surgery, chemotherapy and radiation. Biologic, hormone and targeted therapies also exist. Surgery involves the removal of cancerous tissue or tumor. Radiation therapy and chemotherapy on the other hand, are non-invasive. Radiation therapy is used to treat cancer cells that are localized, while chemotherapy is used to treat cancer cells that are no longer localized and have spread to other parts of the body. In radiation therapy, patients are subjected to high-energy radiation to kill cancer cells and shrink tumors (National Cancer Institute i). Common types of radiations used in this treatment include gamma rays, charged particles and X-rays. The radiation could be delivered externally or internally. Around half of all cancer patients undergo some form of radiation therapy during their treatment (National Cancer Institute i). Radiation therapy damages the DNA of cancer cells in order to kill them. While radiation therapy is used to kill cancer cells, it may also damage normal cells, resulting in serious side-effects. Chemotherapy involves the use of strong drugs administered orally or through injection. Like radiation therapy, chemotherapy also has serious side effects depending on the length of the treatment, the types of drugs taken and the amount of dosage administered. Some of the side effects include vomiting, nausea, hair loss, fatigue and increased chances of infections (American Cancer Society 11). Similarly, the side effects of radiation therapy depend on the body area being treated, dosage administered per day, total dosage given, general medical condition and other treatments that are being administered at the same time (National Cancer Institute x). It can cause both early and late side effects. Early (acute) side effects are those that occur during the treatment while late

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Theories of motivation Essay Example for Free

Theories of motivation Essay Barbara Ehrenreich’s Nickel and Dimed clearly showed us how difficult it was for the lower 20% population of America to merely survive an entire day. Given the fact that it was during the years 1998 and 2000 that America had its glorious economic boom, it cannot be denied that Ehrenreich’s novel brought to us a wakeup call to reality. On how she struggled to merely pay for her rent or even to get herself enough food to eat is something that a lot of Americans are actually experiencing, especially now that we are in the state of recession. If Ehrenreich had conducted her experiment in the present, I believe, she would have gotten a worse and more difficult experience. The state of America’s economy now is something far from promising—not only for Americans but also to everyone else throughout the globe. It can never be denied that whatever the state of a country’s economy is there will always be a greater percentage of people who belong to the base of the economic triangle. Those people are the ones who struggle to merely have a bed to sleep on at night or even food to eat for the day. They are the ones who push themselves to the limit—physically and mentally—just to survive. Back in 1998, America was considered as one of the best economical refuge of people from different countries. A lot of Asians, Latin Americans, Australians and even Europeans alike venture to the United States to find a better state of living. Nowadays, however, most of those people are starting to leave the country to go back to their homeland due to the sudden loss of jobs and affordable places to live in. This is one proof that indeed, compared to before, the economy of the United States has gotten worse and if Ehrenreich did conduct her experiment in the present, she’d definitely have a harder time. In 1998, 1-star motel rent rates of the US ranged from $13 to $20 a night, depending on the location of the motel and the services that were included with the rent, such as TV, telephone, security, etc. These motels usually were badly kept, needed serious repair and didn’t even provide the basic needs of the usual customer. These were the types of motels that a usual low-wage homeless worker goes to stay. In the present, 1-star motel rates are actually much steeper compared to before, ranging from $55 to $90 a night, with the fact that less motels are available now due to the increasing instability rate of America’s economy. Given those facts, if Ehrenreich would have conducted her experiment in the present, her chances of finding a cheap will-do place would be smaller. She’d have to struggle into either working extremely hard to pay the rents of the most available motel she could find or stay nights in her car for the moments that she didn’t have a place to stay. Of course, Ehrenreich’s chances of surviving in the present would vary greatly depending on her wages. With the reality that wages are a bit higher nowadays compared to before, Ehrenreich would still be having a hard time. In 1998 to 2000, minimum wages were around $6 to $7 an hour and having only one job is not enough to pay for anyone’s monthly rent—add to that food, medics, gas and all the other basic necessities. During the experiment, Ehrenreich struggled from being a waitress to a housekeeper to a dietician and in every month that she had her experiment, she always had to have two jobs just for her to pay the monthly rent. As time goes by, the rich multiply in number, twice as much for the poor and like what Ehrenreich said in her novel, low cost apartments and motels are being replaced by expensive condominiums and apartments, forcing people to rent spaces that they cannot even afford with merely just one or two jobs. If Ehrenreich were to conduct her experiment in the present, she would likewise be forced to rent a space that’s either near her workplace or quite available, which however would force her to choose between extremely expensive and quite affordable. According to Time Magazine, the hourly minimum wage was increased by . 85 cents back in 2007. This happened to be a relief for some people who were working in companies that somewhat considered their employees for good compensation. In some small businesses, however, like Laundromats, Supermarkets and Salons, not much change were seen. Employees who worked under such industries had wages that averaged to only $3 per hour. Given this scenario plus the sudden spike of unemployment in America due to fluctuating prices of basic necessities we could pretty much say that Ehrenreich’s chance of survival drops to nearly impossible. Simply put, Barbara Ehrenreich’s experiment would definitely have different results if she had conducted it in the present. Given the facts of unemployment, fluctuating prices and lack of available resources, Ehrenreich’s chance of survival would be less compared to before. Today is simply a much harder time to live. We are living in a world that’s crueler than before. Surviving is much more difficult, living is truly tiring. America is now a different country, offering hope to some and none to almost everyone. Works Cited: Ehrenreich, Barbara. Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting By America. USA: Metropolitan Books, 2001. Hansen, Randall S. â€Å"Surviving and Moving Beyond Low-Wage Jobs: Solutions for an Invisible Workforce in America†. 14 November 2008. http://www. quintcareers. com/surviving_low-wage_jobs. html. Caplan, Jeremy and Fitzpatrick, Laura. â€Å"The Worst Jobs in America†. Time. 30 July 2007. 14 November 2008. http://www. time. com/time/business/article/0,8599,1648055,00. html? imw=Y.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Engaging With Vulnerable People In Mental Health Social Work Essay

Engaging With Vulnerable People In Mental Health Social Work Essay In this essay I am going to write about vulnerable adults, how I could demonstrate professional values and how I could empower vulnerable people demonstrating respect and maintaining dignity. I will demonstrate an understanding of legislation and policy guidance, noting the strengths and weaknesses in accordance to NMC code of conduct. I will also briefly give the history of abuse, bringing in various Department of Health documents as clarification to demonstrate the need for current legislation regarding the protection of vulnerable adults. I will discuss how the ability to support my chosen case study and careers is seen as the key skill of the nurse, which requires a non judgmental approach which is essential to working in an anti oppressive practice. Definitions of vulnerability and anti discrimination will also be included as it is a comparison of NMC code of conduct. Vulnerable people all are very sensitive to the need of their independence and they can be vulnerable very easily for instance if they are in pain. So nurse should always understand how the impact of loos, change or grieving processes can affect the individual. I have chosen adult case study two which is Mamoun. He is vulnerable because, he has had an operation and he is in a lot of pain. Mamoun doesnt talk about the pain or ask for painkiller but if offered, he will take them. VULNERABLITY Vulnerability is people when support is required to enable or promote independent living and safe and active participation in the Community. To a certain extent some people or groups may be vulnerable because they perceive they are vulnerable e.g. if they believe they live in a high crime area when that is only a perception and not a fact. Iliffe.s et al (1998). Social exclusion is a process in which social, economic and cultural factors can combine to exclude individuals, groups and communities from participating in society and gaining access to economic, cultural and social resources. When combined, they create an acute form of exclusion in particular neighbourhoods. Having identified those groups who might be vulnerable the next stage is to decide the best means of helping them. The Evaluation Panel believes the primary aim should be to give vulnerable people as much control over their lives as possible to mitigate the circumstances that make them vulnerable. Parker. J. (2006) A vulnerable adult is any person aged 18 or over who is or may be in need of community care services because of disability, age or illness, and who is or may be unable to take care of themselves, or is unable to protect themselves from significant harm or abuse. Vulnerable adults could include older people, people with a visual or hearing impairment, physical disability, learning disabilities or mental health problem, and people living with illness. Vulnerability can also be described as unprotected, unguarded, open to attack, helpless and weak Oxford. (2002). in another way if anyone walks at night in dangerous area we all tend to be vulnerable or able to be hurt. Mamoun is a sixty two years old Muslim man who is based on in so much pain after his operation and he is vulnerable because he is isolated from his religious or cultural activities. He may have nobody to talk to or no family to visit him as well as language and culture problem. Mamoun may experience from a very limited health care service or he may not happy the way he treated which can make him more vulnerable. So even though he doesnt answer questions politely and never ask for PRN pain relief, it is the responsibility of nurses to give full attention and see his reaction of his pain. When I am on my duty, I must make sure that he is in a good condition by checking him all the time. If he is in pain, it shows when looking at him so it is impossible to wait for him to ask for pain relief. Mamoun may has no idea about medicines and he is unable to talk it may be lack of communication skills or language problem. Having said that I could look in different way for example, get interpret er, being nice, friendly, kind, understand his pain and make sure that he trusts me. According to NMC cod of conduct the following professional values will inform and guide all work with vulnerable adults: Treat people as individual avoid discriminatory in any way against the patients, treat kindly and act as an advocate NMC (2008). Work effectively with a team able to be flexible within teams, respect and support each other. Privacy the right of individuals to be left alone or undisturbed, and free from intrusion or public attention into their affairs. Dignity all people will be treated with respect. Each individuals unique characteristics and intrinsic value will be recognised. Independence the right to act and think without reference to another person. Choice the opportunity to make both small and more significant life choices, with assistance as appropriate to understand context and options; the opportunity to make choices in the individuals own interest, exercising the choice to take risks Laverack.G. (2005). . Rights the maintenance of all entitlements a ssociated with citizenship, including full participation in the life of the community Iliffe.s et al (1998). Abuse against vulnerable adults has been noted since the 1960s, although certain types of abuse would have taken place before then, society has changed and what is acceptable now is certainly different to what was acceptable back then. People became quite vocal in the 60s, more open minded and speech and opinions flowing freely an example of this would be the topic of sex and drugs. Iliffe.s et al (1998). Abuse is a violation of an individuals human and civil rights by another person. It may consist of a single act or repeated acts. It may be planned or unplanned. It may be the result of deliberate intent, negligence or ignorance. It may happen when a vulnerable adult is persuaded to enter into a transaction to which they have not consented or cannot consent. Abuse besed on many forms some of them that more comenly knowen are include: Physical Abuse for example, hitting, pushing, and shaking over medicating or otherwise causing physical harm. Sexual Abuse for example unwanted touching, kissing or sexual activity. Or where the vulnerable adult cannot or does not give their consent it mayt be. Psychological / Emotional Abuse including verbal abuse, humiliation bullying or the use of threats Iliffe.s et al (1998). Financial Abuse the illegal or improper use of a persons money, property, pension book, bank account or other belongings. Neglect the repeated deprivation of help or care that a vulnerable adult needs which, if withdrawn, will cause him or her to suffer. Institutional Abuse abuse, neglect, withdrawal of rights or continually poor care in a care home setting. Discriminatory Abuse Including racist or sexist abuse, and abuse based on a persons disability, and other forms of harassment, slurs or similar treatment. Abuse can take place in their own home, by familly or any other visitor, or in someone elses home, by a relative, friend or neighbou, in a residential or nursing home, by a paid or volunteer carer, in a day centre, adult education centre or other establishment, by an occasional visitor or service provider, in a hospital or GP surgery, mayt happen by a professional worker. ANTI-DISCRIMINATERY Anti-discrimination practice is a positive action to avoid discrimination. It is abut being presenting positive image of people equal opportunities policy in all aspect programs that take place and also challenging any discriminatory or oppressive language and behavior Parker.J. (2006). There are different tyeps of discrimination, such as more commonly known, racism, disablism and ageism. One of the things we do when meeting people is to make assumptions about them which can make them more cnfortable. Discriminatory language often betrays assumptions that have not been based on accurate knowledge or on cultural stereotypes. Often it emphasises the superiority of the speaker or the groups that she/he represents. This need not be conscious for it to be offensive and exasperating. Non-discriminatory language promotes exclusivity by the deliberate attempt to ensure that the language used promotes the equality of all people Parker.J. (2006). The role of training is always to ensure that the maximum number of people possible have access to the information they need.   Particular intention must be given to avoiding the use of technical language and jargon. Workers have an obligation to ensure that everyone who can benefit from their service has an opportunity to access it, and whilst they are using it, to be treated in a way that accords their need for decency and self- respect Laverack.G. (2005). As a trainer to model good practice, I have to be serious about my responsibility to ensure that the patients have an opportunity to participate in the event and achieve their maximum learning potential. I also need to have good practice how to speak in appropriated language and behaviour. It is very important to make an action plan for acceptable language and behaviour as a professional. All trainers must avoid using language or behaviour that is in any way discriminatory.   Mamoun may be increased risk due to the unaware of his rights, socially isolated, not know how to complain and has communication difficulties. He may also has difficulty understanding certain decisions or transactions and may have limited life experience and find it difficult to anticipate. In this case, there are different kinds of things to think about such as development of social networks keeping in contact with family, friends, and neighbours as he is isolated. I will encourage him to access to social groups which may help him to make friends. Access to support groups I will get interpreter for him if he has language problem. Support and advice, I will support him in caring for him and I will advice him to tell as his problem in order to improve and maintain his health. Assessment of needs, as I mention on the above for client who is unable to talk I will assess by psychologically understanding for example, watching the patient if any behaviour or act change think about his foo d and asking of his needs. REFLECTING From this essay, I have learnt a value of social work for instance philosophical and academic thinking in order to assess clients needs and circumstances. I have also learnt the role of NMC code of conduct and I have developed skills and professional knowledge to work effectively with vulnerable people. The NMC code of conduct helped me to understand how the laws and policies were applied to these such good example cases. Adult Case Study 2 was a unique case for me as although the service user did not have any mental health needs he required help with foll servisce. This essay teaches me the aspect of nursing I can reflect on, the use of the word experience in nursing, how self awareness is central to reflection and how the development of other skills will aid reflection. In the future I believe that I will be able to demonstrate and work closely with both service users to support them, by assessing their needs, reviewing risks, policies and procedures that apply to them. This essay will help me make my work clear to service user and also more open to review so I can improve my practice in the future.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Bus Rapid Transit: A Sustainable Approach to Mass Transit Essay

Bus Rapid Transit: A Sustainable Approach to Mass Transit Transportation accounts for about 25% of fossil fuel consumption. One way to decrease the negative environmental effects of burning fossil fuels (e.g. smog and global warming) is to improve mass transit. An efficient mass transit system speeds travel time, cuts travel costs, and makes service more reliable. Consequently, it discourages the use of private vehicles, reducing fossil fuel consumption and emissions. A type of mass transit that has proven to be environmentally and socially successful in many cities across the world is Bus Rapid Transit. BRT uses a variety of a variety of innovative system designs and technologies to achieve to the aforementioned qualities of an efficient mass transit system. The innovative system designs and technologies include: lane priority, signal priority, vehicle design, stop location, fare collection, rider appeal, and land use policy. Lane priority gives buses exclusive use of lanes to increase travel time. There are three types of priority lanes: curbside, median, and contraflow. Curbside bus lanes are usually effective during peak hours in peak directions; otherwise the lane is reserved for parking and deliveries. Since bus stops are in this lane, buses do not waste time remerging with traffic. Double curbside bus lanes allow them to pass one another, such as Madison Avenue in New York City. Median lanes are those located in the middle two lanes of traffic, usually separated from all other traffic by a raised curb. Median lanes are only appropriate for wide boulevards because space is needed to build the passenger platforms. Even though median lanes are less likely to be congested than curbside lanes, some di... ...a2.html; provides a case study of the transit system in Curitiba, Brazil. 2.; provides a case study of the transit system in Curitiba, Brazil including a history and schematic maps of the city. 3.; an overview of the success of the BRT system in Curitiba, Brazil, provides links for more information on the city’s BRT system. 4.; an overview of the elements that comprise a BRT system, case studies of Curitiba, Miami, Orlando, and Vancouver are included. 5.; offers criticisms of implementing a BRT system in Detroit, MI. 6.; offers a .PDF to a table (2.4) comparing a traditional bus transit system to a BRT one.